It’s that time of year again! We will be hosting the 2017 Hokie Holiday Party at the Buckhead home of our fellow Atlanta Hokies, George and Cindy Rees. Dinner will be potluck style, so bring along a side-dish to share […]

Remembrance Walk/Run @ Chastain Park – Date TBD
Each year we gather together to pay tribute to the 32 students and faculty members who were tragically taken from their loved ones and our VT community on April 16, 2007. The Atlanta Hokies will be meeting again this year […]

2021 VT vs GT Pregame Tailgate Party!
The Atlanta Hokies will host a pre-game tailgate for the VT vs. GT game on Saturday, October 30, 2021. Click on the menu to view details. […]

Volunteer Events
The Atlanta Hokies are always planning volunteer events around Atlanta! Please contact AtlantaVTAA@gmail.com if you would like to get updates on our planned events! Ut prosim!

Atlanta Hokies *NEW* Official Game-Watching Location (as of 2019)
Taco Mac – Perimeter 1211 Ashford Crossing, Atlanta, GA 30346 (678) 336-1381
Activities Have ideas for events? Contact us at AtlantaVTAA@gmail.com